Well Baby Care

At Village Family Health Team, we are very experienced providing care for newborns and children. We see babies within days of birth. Once a baby turns two months old, and if their birthdate falls within the appropriate cohort, they are invited to join the Well Baby Group. The Well Baby Group is a 90 minute group appointment for parent(s) and baby. The purpose of the group is to provide parents with comprehensive education based on the child’s age and offer a venue for parents to interact, and ask questions in a setting that is baby and breastfeeding friendly. The appointments are based on the regular growth/development/immunization schedule of 2, 4, 6, and 9 month visits. These services are provided to all patients at Village FHT.

The Well Baby Group has operated as a Virtual Program since March 2020. We look forward to returning to in person group sessions. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please feel free to call the clinic or connect with your family doctor or nurse. As a reminder, our clinic is still open for well baby appointments. Virtual well baby group will not substitute in person visit with their family doctor.

Hip Dysplasia Information:

The cause of Hip Dysplasia in infants is unknown, yet some factors that may increase the likelihood of this condition include family history, breech positioning in the womb and positioning of the hips in the first year of life. The International Hip Dysplasia Institute recommends healthy hip positioning to encourage normal hip development. This includes hip-healthy swaddling and hip-healthy positioning in carriers, seats and other equipment. Learn more

Please see below for Ontario’s Publicly Funded Immunization Schedule: