Cancer Screening
We promote cancer screening for cervical, colon and breast cancer. All people with a cervix between the ages of 25 and 70 should be screened, once they are sexually active. Pap smears are offered in clinic and is on an appointment basis. Please try to ensure you are not on your menstrual period at the time of your visit. The normal processing time for results to come back is around 2-3 weeks but may be up to 4 weeks.
Our team encourages patients aged 50 to 74 to undergo regular colon screening. Patients may choose to use the FIT test, which your doctor can send to your home or self register for a colonoscopy.
Our team also encourages mammography for breast cancer screening. Women aged 50 to 74 are encouraged to self register for a mammography at their local Ontario Breast Screening Program location. To find a location close to your home and to learn more about cancer screening in general, please use the following link: Cancer Care Ontario